Family Membership Form

Online Membership Form

Our online membership form is a convenient way to complete your joining form before your first visit. Alternatively you can download a copy ready to bring with you.

Our annual membership fee is currently £20 per family, payable on your first visit to the Tim Lamb Centre.

We also require evidence of your child’s disability / additional needs, (e.g. letter from a SEND professional, EHCP, DLA/PIP award).

Please Note: In line with GDPR regulations, we can only store your information for 4 weeks.

Family Membership Application

All questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer.

Have you had a Pathways 4 All Membership before? *

Member Details

If you have more than one disabled child in your household, please provide details of your youngest disabled child. 

Any siblings? (under 18) *
Do any siblings also have disabilities/ additional needs?
Child's disability/ additional needs*
Choose File

Alternatively, you can bring evidence of your child's disability/additional needs with you on your first visit.  (For example, diagnosis letter, referral or appointment letter to SEND specialist, DLA/PIP award, EHCP).  Please contact us direct if you are unsure about what evidence to bring.

Parent/Carer Contact Details

Benefit Related Free School Meals

Is your child entitled to benefit related free school meals *

Terms and Conditions

Please check button to agree *

View Terms & Conditions

    Pathways 4 All is a registered charity providing play facilities and social opportunities for 0-25 year olds with Additional Needs / Disabilities and their families.  

    The Tim Lamb Centre offers a safe, supportive, non-judgemental environment exclusively for our members.  

     If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns during your time with us please speak with the office staff.   

    • All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult, over the age of 18, who must remain in the centre at all times.
    •  Staff / volunteers may support activities to help maximise your children’s enjoyment, they are not however a replacement for parental supervision. Pathways 4 All does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children, except during supervised play sessions (i.e. playscheme).
    • Please respect all users of the centre and be tolerant of all individual needs and behaviours.
    • Parents/Carers should note that whilst every consideration has been given for the safety of children using the centre, Pathways 4 All cannot be held responsible for accidents which occur as a result of children playing on the equipment.
    • Please respect the equipment and building, ensuring areas are left tidy when leaving them.
    • Please report and accidents, incidents, or breakages to the office as soon as possible.
    • Please be considerate of others privacy if taking photographs in the centre, these should include only those you have permission for i.e. your own family/friends, particularly when sharing on social media.
    • Only food bought in our café should be eaten in the centre, unless permission is sought for special circumstances. This does not apply at the times when our café is not open (i.e. 10am - 2pm term time)
    • Smoking, including e-cigarettes, drug or alcohol use is not permitted in the centre or within the Rising Sun Country Park.
    • Abusive language, violent behaviour or wilful damage or theft will not be tolerated at any time.  


    Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions could result in you being asked to leave the centre or in extreme circumstances your membership being cancelled without refund.  


Contact Permission

We send out a monthly email containing all the latest news and events from both the Tim Lamb Centre and our charity Pathways 4 All. 

New activities and special events are normally published via our email bulletin first.

Would you like to subscribe to our email news bulletin? *

Photograph Permission

We occasionally take photographs during activities and events.  These may be shared for charitable purposes including Facebook page, website, email bulletins and flyers/other printed material. 

I consent to photographs on behalf of my child(ren) *
I consent to photographs on behalf of my myself *
How did you first hear about us?*
Thank you for submitting your form. We look forward to your visit soon.
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Your membership fee will be due on your first visit.  

We can accept in-person cash and card payments only at present.

Thank you.

If you would like to read any of our policies and procedures please ask at reception.

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